The October Surprise Redux

It’s that time of year, everyone - there’s a brisk wind in the air, the leaves are changing colors, pumpkins sprout on every porch and something batshit crazy happens during the elections.

I’m talking, of course, about the dreaded October Surprise!

The odd thing is that we had cut this episode together BEFORE the recent events in the United States - so we’re going to have to talk about that insanity in the next episode. This time, however, Harmon sets the Presidential Time Portal (tm) for 1964, the year of LBJ’s first “official” presidential election.

That year, the White House was rocked by the Walter Jenkins scandal, where one of LBJ’s most trusted aides was arrested by the Washington, DC police force while trying to “make friends” in a YMCA bathroom.

We’ve covered this story in a previous podcast, but without Harmon, so I wanted to get his whole take on these events. We’ll also discuss the meaning of Rocktober and why Metallica is mandatory.

In the Durham, North Carolina area? Be sure to catch Harmon at Storyfest!

And last, but not least, this episode is also sponsored by Words Over Chair Productions and Comedy History 101.

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