Drinking & Driving with LBJ


This was another video pulled out of my experimental found footage piece. LBJ has always been a favorite of mine, mostly because he just seems so hick but he was a really smart guy. And ambitious. REALLY ambitious.

If you're into history, do yourself a favor and go pick up one of Robert Caro's biographies of LBJ. The latest one just came out (May 2012). I think he started them back in 1980.

This is a conversation between LBJ and Governor of Texas John Connally. In the call, LBJ admits that there have been times when he's driven around with reporters while drinking a beer.

Imagine if that kind of thing came out today.

Richard Nixon - Blacks and Jews

This is another of the short films taken from my experimental documentary. It's good old Tricky Dick talking about some of the issues that he has with both blacks and Jews. This is one of the infamous Watergate tapes that Nixon wrangled over for the longest time. Some of them have huge beeps where "personal" information was excised.

He probably wishes this part would have been excised as well.

And, for those of you who remember those ten long years ago back to Gulf War II, that's the same former Secretary of Defense Donald "Rummy" Rumsfeld agreeing with old Dick about black athletes.